Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Days 1-5 of the Book Challenge

Day 01 Best book you read last year: I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Joshua Harris

This book can really mislead you. You'd think it's about relationships, and relationships per se. But it's not. It's about the more important things than being in a relationship. It's about the responsibilities you have to your family, to your friends, to those around you, to yourself, and more importantly to God. It's about realizing that timing really is everything. Not just plain timing, but God's timing. It's about learning to trust him with this very crucial aspect of our lives, and not to try and take control of it, like we always do. We want to do things our way, not realizing that it's not about us, it's not about our partners, but it's about what God wants us to do --- both as singles and as couples.

Day 02 A book that you've read more than three times: Sunday's at Tiffany's

Recommended by a friend who's a fellow bookworm, this book has topped my list of 'most-sought' books for quite some time. Since January of last year, I've been sweeping bookstores selling low-priced books for a copy of this. It's available on other bookstores, but on a very pricey amount (which I don't bite, anyway. Life's too expensive nowadays to spend too much on a single copy) so I've been investing time and effort searching booksales for this. And voila, one day I finally laid my hands on a copy and I went straight to the counter.

It's about a girl whose first love is her imaginary friend. When children reach eight years old, their imaginary friends stop existing and they get on with their lives. But Jane saw her imaginary friend once more when she was grown up. Which was everything but normal. So Jane and her imaginary friend Michael discover why she sees him again --- which leads to her own healing and eventually, Michael's too.

Day 03 Your favorite series: Harry Potter series and Hush Hush Series
No need of an explanation. This is not only a part of my childhood, this is my childhood.

Vampires are out (they've never been in for me, anyway); fallen angels are in!

Day 04 Favorite book of your favorite series: HP's 3rd and 7th books; Hush hush's 4th and final book

For the HP series, there's a tie for my favorite book. The first is the 3rd book, since it's still amazing how Harry could have mistaken his patronus for his dad. :D sometimes you gotta be your own hero.

The 7th is well, very informative... and just so worth it.

If you haven't noticed yet, I have this knack for the final books. Well. Closure is a big thing for me. And the revelations are oh so enticing (and unexpected too).

Day 05 A book that makes you happy: Bible
Yes, I know it's cheesy and so corny (for some, that is) but it's true. This book right here really makes me happy. It reminds me of how loved I am, and always will be. It's the only book where the author is in love with the reader, and not the other way around. :D

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