Wednesday, May 21, 2014

30 day challenge

Since I have spare time this summer, I thought I should be productive with it. But I think it's a little late for this since I have 9 days left before May ends. But still, I want to do this. I will compress challenges; I won't do them day by day. I'll answer challenges as long as I have spare time. So maybe in a day, I'd write about five challenges (maximum) if I'm really not that busy here at work.

Answering these kinds of stuff can really help stimulate the mind, and it helps me relax too. I know it sounds VERY nerdy, that writing is relaxing for me, but it really is. I don't know. It's just a form of therapy for me.

Here are the sets of challenges that I'll do for the following days. I'll post the picture of the challenge that I'm answering, to avoid confusion.

I know, I know. It's really ambitious of me to try to do this with only a few days left with my (working) vacation. But I JUST NEED TO WRITE. It's been a difficult to just even write simple compositions lately and I feel that it's a burden. So, to stimulate my mind and writing skills, I've decided to do this. 

Or I just want to write again. Either way, it's still a win-win situation. :D

I'll start in a bit! Me is eggzoited. :D

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